Aim High Academy is an innovative school for children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). We are located in the heart of Houston near Bellaire, Texas, and provide highly enriched, intensive instruction to help students achieve success in language, social, and problem solving skills.
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Why do autism moms act the way they do?
7 years ago
Aim high is closed. Our son wnet there for a year. Very pricey and he made no progress.
I am not surprised that place closed. My husband and I toured the facilty last year and were not impressed with the information provided by the director (Ms. Kristen Shiels). Nice enough lady, but she didn't have any credentials to run a school for children with autism.
i need help i have a certified therapy dog which has a special talent in reaching those in need. i am looking for a school,therapy center or what ever where i may give & share his special talents please contact me where i may help others
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