Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Living with autism

Are you or is someone you love living with autism? We want to hear your story. How does this condition affect your life, as well your family's? Share what life is like on a typical day. Turn on your camera and record video of yourself speaking about your experiences, and give us a glimpse of your daily routine. Have you found any unexpected silver linings? Send photos and videos that help tell the story of what it's like to have autism.

Living with Autism


Webpress Media said...

Thank you for putting this blog together, we're going through some testing for my 4 yr old, we think he may have Angelmans Syndrome. Have you heard of this?

Inspiration Alley said...

Thank you for this post. My son is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. I've been placing various posts about how this affects our lives. My son wrote a piece of coursework for his GCSE which I've posted as part of my campaign to raise awareness of what life is really like on the spectrum. It's entitled A Life in the Day of an Autistic Teenager and can be found on my blog - alien adventures. Personally, I found it compelling reading and it really helped me to understand his experiences.

The Article is entitled April is Autsim Awareness Month and was posted on 3rd April 2008